Vion rejects claim for compensation Romanian migrant worker, our fight continues

Vion rejects claim for compensation Romanian migrant worker, our fight continues

In the past few weeks, the “Sluit Vion” (ShutDown Vion) campaign has been supporting Alex, a Romanian migrant worker. Alex worked through an employment agency for Vion’s slaughterhouse, got injured and was subsequently fired. Because housing is linked to work, he also lost his accommodation.

Sluit Vion considered this dismissal to be completely unlawful and demanded compensation of 2500 euros for loss of income and costs of accommodation. We had several meetings with an HR manager and on July 23rd we went to the head office in Boxtel to get an answer from the management. The management, represented by the head of communication, listened to us but said that workers themselves are responsible and that Vion cannot be held accountable on matters such as housing. On July 27th we received an official rejection of our claim. As far as Vion is concerned, Alex does not receive any compensation because, according to the company, he was never fired.

Sluit Vion is not satisfied with this, sticks to the claim and is looking for ways to draw attention to both the claim and the broader malpractices that are exemplified by this case.

Alex’s story is no exception. Workers are routinely treated like dirt. We therefore call upon all Vion employees to report any problems with this company.

Source: Sluit Vion,
More info: (in Dutch)

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