Drop charges against feminist comrades in Spain!

Drop the charges against feminist comrades in Spain!

As Autonomen Brabant, we gladly support this appeal


The undersigned feminist collectives and individuals demand that the city council of Corbera del Llobregat drops the charges against 5 feminist comrades.

The evening before the 8th of March, in the light of the International Women’s Day Strike, a night walk was organized through the town of Corbera del Llobregat in Catalunya, Spain. During this walk several actions happenend to encourage people to participate in the strike the following day. That evening 5 comrades were stopped and identified by the local Corbera police and blamed with having made several feminist graffitis. They now face a fine of 20.000 euro each for the alleged crime of damaging city property.

The repression that the comrades of Corbera del Llobregat are experiencing by the city council, with a completely exorbitant fine, affects all of us. We can’t let one of these attacks on the movement happen.

In Spain more than a hundred femicides happen every year. So far in 2021, according to official numbers, 22 women have been killed, but we know there will be many more. In Corbera del Llobregat itself, last May 2020, a female resident of the town was murdered. How can they then ask a fine of € 20,000 for writing “vivas nos queremos”, the feminist slogan againt machist violence translated as “we want us alive”. The walls are have been cleaned, but our murdered sisters will never returm.

In various parts of Spain the feminist movement is receiving hard blows. This campaign transcends borders, we make a local, national and international appeal because AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL.

To sign this petition, click: https://bit.ly/2Q0aXWv


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