After the police violence in Rotterdam, the housing protests will continue. Another one will happen in Arnhem, Sunday 24 October. We will want to realise another big anarcho-block. To show that party politics will not bring us houses. To show that we trust neither state nor capitalism. To show that we won’t be stopped by state violence and repression. But also to support our comrades in Rotterdam. The struggle goes on, and we hope to see you there!
We will meet beforehand with a number of people at Cafe Bosch (Apeldoornsestraat 4), from 09.30, for making banners and signs. Join there to good-spiritedly help making stuff, and then we move together to the demo from 11.30.
If you can’ t make it, for whatever reason: we assemble at the court building in Arnhem (Walburgstraat 2-4), at 11.45. from there, we move as one block to the demo. Come in black, and bring all your friends.
Below you can find a report of the protest by Vrije Bond Tilburg at a gathering of the fascist party of F.v.D. on the 29th of July in Tilburg.
At 17:00 our group headed towards the fascist gathering at Koningsplein with some signs and banners. As soon as we arrived at the square, we were pretty much immediately surrounded by the fascists and police, who tried to send us away on false grounds. Of course we did not let this stop us from doing what we came for: to deliver our message against fascism and racism. So we took a few minutes, until we felt our message had upset enough of the fascists, and cheered up enough passerbys. Then, with our heads held high and our voices raised, we left the square in order to prevent any arrests, and moved on to a busy road nearby to continue delivering our message to the people of Tilburg: Fascists are not welcome here!!!
Another thing worth mentioning is that we were not the only protesters at the scene, and saw multiple others going against the fascists by themselves. Afterwards, we even learned that one comrade climbed the stage on their own and tried to stop the fascists from spreading their message of hate, which deserves massive respect!
All in all, we have let the people hear our voices loud and clear, and successfully confronted a good amount of fascists, which we are more than proud of.
If there are any comrades in other cities who want to do something similar and could use any help, please let us know! You can always reach us at
With solidarity,
Vrije Bond Tilburg
p.s.: We would like to thank the municipality and police of Tilburg for giving fascists a stage, and for very rudely, disrespectfully and shamelessly trying to prevent people with an anti-fascist and anti-racist message from spreading it. Thank you!
This text has been spread through mail by Vrije Bond Tilburg (in the making)
Most of you will have probably seen this already on social media but there has been a call this week for a week of solidarity with Abtin Parsa.
The anarchist Abtin is a former political prisoner from Iran and has there been prosecuted, tortured and arrested. Eventually they fled to Greece.
Unfortunately the same happened in Greece which caused Abtin to request political asylum in the Netherlands in March 2020.
In April 2021, Abtin was arested for “inciting resistance against the Dutch state”. More info about this on:
Because of this arrest Abtin could land in prison for 5 years.
On the 8th of July, the Dutch state denied the request to stop his extradition to Greece and therefore has decided to extradite them to Greece.
If Abtin is delivered to Greece then there is the threat of them being delivered to Iran which could lead to their imprisonment, torture or even murder.
Against another year of state encroachment, against the restriction of free movement under the auspices of “safety,” against the continued brutalization of our friends in prison, we call for a renewal of solidarity on June 11, 2021: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. For 17 years, June 11th has been an occasion for celebration, mourning, and revolt. It has been a moment to breathe, to remember those fallen and those in cages, to remind ourselves of why we remain committed to the Beautiful Idea of anarchism. Through our letters, demonstrations, fundraising, and solidarity attacks we keep the beacon lit for those who have given years of their lives for their conviction that the State is a horror against which we must wager our lives. Continue reading →
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The Shut Down VION! local paper is finished. On May 29 and 30, we want to distribute this paper in Boxtel. Do you want to help us?
In recent months, we’ve been work hard to create the Shut Down VION! paper. It is full of articles about Vion and why this company should close down, and it includes a beautiful poster that people can decorate their windows with.
We wrote the paper for the neighbours of Vion in Boxtel, since many of them have been annoyed by the company for years and are fighting against the nuisance caused by Vion. We want to support these people and show them that we are with them. We would like to thank all the people who put their free time into making the paper. The paper was made possible by financial contributions from the X-Y Action Fund, LUSH, the Vrije Bond and individual donors.
We will be delivering the paper throughout Boxtel on May 29 and 30. We will host a nice public event and will present the newspaper to Vion’s CEO and the mayor of Boxtel. Do you want to be there and help us with a few hours of pushing papers through mailboxes? Send us an email via info(at) and we’ll share more information! We will provide food and travel expenses.
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Drop the charges against feminist comrades in Spain!
As Autonomen Brabant, we gladly support this appeal
The undersigned feminist collectives and individuals demand that the city council of Corbera del Llobregat drops the charges against 5 feminist comrades.
The evening before the 8th of March, in the light of the International Women’s Day Strike, a night walk was organized through the town of Corbera del Llobregat in Catalunya, Spain. During this walk several actions happenend to encourage people to participate in the strike the following day. That evening 5 comrades were stopped and identified by the local Corbera police and blamed with having made several feminist graffitis. They now face a fine of 20.000 euro each for the alleged crime of damaging city property.
The repression that the comrades of Corbera del Llobregat are experiencing by the city council, with a completely exorbitant fine, affects all of us. We can’t let one of these attacks on the movement happen.
In Spain more than a hundred femicides happen every year. So far in 2021, according to official numbers, 22 women have been killed, but we know there will be many more. In Corbera del Llobregat itself, last May 2020, a female resident of the town was murdered. How can they then ask a fine of € 20,000 for writing “vivas nos queremos”, the feminist slogan againt machist violence translated as “we want us alive”. The walls are have been cleaned, but our murdered sisters will never returm.
In various parts of Spain the feminist movement is receiving hard blows. This campaign transcends borders, we make a local, national and international appeal because AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL.
Don’t be fooled, Baudet is a scary fascist and a neo-Nazi. For many of us it was already obvious, but for the rest it is becoming more and more clear. The conspiracies are nothing more than a ‘divide and conquer’ technique used by the Nazis to recruit people.
The resistance and freedom fighters from World War II would turn around in their graves if they knew that they had given their lives for this.
Time for the real resistance!
Hack, infiltrate, boycott, sabotage, naming and shaming.
We demand the immediate deplatforming of Baudet and FvD members on all media. News platforms that still give them a platform are hereby the enemy of us, who love freedom, and complicit in spreading Nazi propaganda.
We owe this not only to those who have given their lives for our freedom, but also to ourselves, for liberty and justice.
Our silence is their growth, rise up and fight back against fascism!
On Tuesday, March 30, we blocked the entrance to Vion in Boxtel and stopped animals going to slaughter. The action lasted less than two hours and was ended by the mayor. Four activists were arrested as they did not follow orders to remove themselves.
The reason for the blockade was a recent corona outbreak at the slaughterhouse. Nearly 100 people have been infected in three weeks, making the slaughterhouse yet another corona hotspot. This is already the second outbreak in Boxtel, there have also been outbreaks in Groenlo and in Germany in eight Vion slaughterhouses.
(text continues below the photo)
Vion is playing Russian roulette with their staff by keeping the plants open. It’s a known fact that keeping distance at work and in the shitty homes is not possible. Time and again, the meat giant refuses to take responsibility, fully supported by our irresponsible government. And this while the killing and consumption of animals is far from essential and even contributes to outbreaks such as these.
We therefore demanded that Vion closes down immediately, and that all workers are provided with good, safe and healthy housing. In addition, the workers must be compensated. Considering that Vion made 53 million euros in profit in 2020, this is quite doable. The dividend payment to the shareholders (14 million euros) and the salaries of the management (each 1.2 million euros per year plus a bonus of 6 tons) can be used as well.
The management did not respond to our demands. Therefore we felt compelled to keep our blockade. In the meantime, several trucks arrived, full of pigs on their last ride. These trucks were parked further away, where they often wait for a few hours because Vion is a mega busy slaughterhouse. The mayor also tried to blame us for possible welfare problems of the pigs that had to wait longer for their horrible slaughter… This is obviously big nonsense. The animals live in hell anyway, in the mega farms it is hot, smelly and overall horrible and they all end up in the slaughterhouse. Vion remains responsible for this and the killing of 20,000 animals per day and exploitation of workers can never be justified.
The #VionVier were arrested and two activists were even detained for an extra long time at the Den Bosch police office, where they were refused vegan food. At the time of writing, one of the activists is still in detention and has been transferred to immigration detention in Eindhoven.
And who remains free? Exactly, Vion’s management that is pocketing 1.8 million euros with murder and exploitation…
On Sunday, 11th April, we organize a demonstration at Koningsplein in Tilburg at 14:00 PM.
During this demonstration we want to raise awareness for the safety of women on the streets and the meaning of feminism, equality and inclusion.
Following the death of Sarah Everard, it is time to speak up. It’s time to stand together!
Sexual violence and street harassment are also a major problem in the Netherlands. We want men to become aware of this too. This day is therefore not only about demonstrating but also about informing.
Do you think it is important to work on these topics, or would you like to know more about them, then be sure to show yourself this day.
Are you or do you know someone who would like to contribute in any way whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Bring a mouth mask and possibly gloves and stay at a meter and a half that day.
We hope to make this a nice informative and powerful day, in which we can finally make ourselves heard.
And again EVERYONE is welcome. So also men let us know and support us! Let’s make a good start on a safe street in Tilburg.
Protest in support of Polish Women’s rights Saturday, 31 October 2020, 5 PM, Stadhuisplein, Tilburg
On Thursday, October 22rd, 2020 Polish Constitutional Court ruled abortion in case of “severe and irreversible fatal defect or incurable illness that threatens the fetus’ life” illegal. This means almost a total ban on abortion in the country.
Hundreds of thousands of our sisters are on the streets protesting this cruel decision. Let’s show them our support and love! 💪
Let’s make the world know what is happening in Poland! 📢
In this time we have to stand together, no matter what country are we from, what do we believe in, what is our culture or age. Let’s show them that we hear them, and we’ve got them.
Join us in supporting Polish superheroines! 🦸♀️Come to the square next to the city theater on Saturday at 5 PM!
Bring your banners, bring your energy!
Let our shouts be heard in Poland! 🇵🇱
Because Women’s rights are humans rights! 💪
*By taking part in the demonstration you’re agreeing to obeying the code of conduct (see below)* Continue reading →